Tag Archives: yoga gear

How To Deal With Jealousy In A Relationship

How To Deal With Jealousy In A Relationship The most significant relationship you can have is the one with yourself! Many say that if you are jealous in a relationship, you are in the wrong relationship. This is the case most of the time but for the other small percentage of times, jealousy is maybe […]

How To Deal With Rejection

Don’t let rejection stop you from the life you’ve always wanted! It is really easy to let the fear of rejection stop us from attempting to do the things we have always wanted. What if I fail? What if I look stupid? What if, what if, what if…. Everyone in life gets a door slammed […]

Do Not Assume

Do Not Assume If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected] To not assume is probably one of the most important lessons to learn in life. It was a lesson I was reminded of this week. I am starting a new relationship and I assumed something about […]

Taking Responsibility For Your Life: A Drug Trafficking Story

Taking Responsibility For Your Life: A Drug Trafficking Story If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected] Taking responsibility for our actions is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. When we do this, we take our power back. We stop blaming […]

The Power of I AM

The Power of I AM If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected] This week I really began to pay attention to what I was saying to myself. How I used the phrase, “I AM”. I noticed that most of my “I AM’s”, were not only negative […]

How To Get Out Of A Slump

How To Get Out Of A Slump If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected] “It is your resistance to what is that causes suffering.” The last couple of weeks, I found myself in a slump. I had no motivation for work nor life. I drove myself […]

Dealing With Negativity

Dealing With Negativity “We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common – which is – we all want to be happy.” Ellen DeGeneres If you are […]

Malibu Getaway What’s In My Bag

It’s Fall in LA and that means it’s time for my Malibu getaway with my girl friends. There is nothing like Los Angeles in the Fall. The weather starts to get a little cooler but you can still sun bath in the day. Great bars and restaurants in the evening. Hot surfers! What more could […]

The Giver

If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected] Yesterday, my roommate and I went to see the film The Giver. I know, I have to read the book. Books are always better. Anyway, I enjoyed the film because I thought the message was really beautiful. As humans […]

How To Deal With A Breakup

How To Deal With A Breakup Breakups can be incredibly painful. A broken heart can strip us of our confidence and happiness. Even though this experience can be horrible, it is also filled with great beauty. There are so many lessons to be learned from a breakup that can make your next relationship more loving […]

Robin Williams Death

Robin Williams Death This was a sad week for many of us. Robin Williams was a great talent whose comedy transcended generations. He spent a lifetime masking his pain while entertaining the world. Even though most of us never met Mr. Williams, we were shocked by his suicide. I believe one of the reason we […]

How To Overcome Your Ego

How To Overcome Your Ego This week was loco! I tried the master cleanse with my roommate. We were doing it for 2 days but I broke on the second day. OMG…that cleanse is intense. I caution everyone to read about it and have a couple free days when they do it 🙂 Anyway, while […]