The Casual Breakup

The Casual Breakup Break ups, even causal ones, have their casualties. The “take no prisoners” attitude needs to change!

Why Men Love Football

Why Men Love Football This last Sunday I got peer pressured into going to a Super Bowl party.  I really just wanted to stay at home and watch the Real Housewives but sometimes the FOMO is too great. I decided to turn this event into a social experiment and examine “why men love football.” There […]

When People Talk Trash

Ask Confused Girl “When People Talk Trash” “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Katie from LA wrote me a message about a Co- worker who said some pretty nasty things about her to a business associate. Like Katie, we all have had people say mean things […]

The Perks Of Being Sick

The Perks Of Being Sick “How being sick taught me acceptance” The last couple of weeks have been so crazy with so much to do. I feel like there is not enough time in the day to complete everything. Of course, I get sick when things start to get busy in my life. Why couldn’t […]

Disasters in Paradise

Disasters in Paradise Shit Happens! Especially when on vacation! I decided to do something different this year. Instead of going home and doing the same old Christmas, I went to Colorado with a friend of mine. Her family has a beautiful home in Denver and a condo in Keystone. So we decided to do a […]

What I Learned From a First Date

“What I Learned From a First Date” Dating can be really annoying or really interesting. I guess it all depends on your expectations and who you are going out with. Whether it be a date or hanging with friends, I like to be around people that can see life a little differently. That way, I […]

How To Avoid Being A Christmas A**hole

How To Avoid Being A Christmas A**hole homepage Lets be honest. The Holidays can really bring out the fool in some people. Myself included. I discuss 3 different types of xmas assholes and how to avoid being one of them! For this weeks item from Confused Girl Activewear, take a look at this adorable Spirit […]

What To Do When Caught In A Love Triangle; Players Be Playin’!

What To Do When Caught In A Love Triangle; Players Be Playin’! homepage On a secret shopping gig at the mall, I unexpectedly got caught in a love triangle. Players will play and crazies be crazy! Check out our item of the week! I know you’ll love my Confused Girl Activewear line that I created. […]

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking”

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking” Episode 5 Claire is stalking her ex boyfriend on facebook and needs advice on how to stop! Time for our Confused Girl Activewear item of the week! I want you all to take a look at these AMAZING Joy Capri leggings I designed with all of you in mind! […]

Ego & Eckhart Tolle with Confused Girl

Ego & Eckhart Tolle with Confused Girl homepage My thoughts on the Ego  in Eckhart Tolle’s book. “A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose”. There is so much more to talk about when it comes to this novel. It is really helping me get to my next step. I’m sure I will do a […]

Ask Confused Girl “Halloween Costumes”

Ask Confused Girl “Halloween Costumes” Episode 4 homepage Michelle (17 years old) from San Francisco needs advice on Halloween costumes and friends. Please leave your comments! Take a look at our item of the week from my Confused Girl Activewear line! When you’re not dressing up in fun costumes for halloween, slip into something more […]

Legalization of Weed in Seattle (TV Spot)

Legalization of Weed in Seattle The people of Seattle share their thoughts on the legalization of Weed. The item of the week from my Confused Girl Activewear line are these adorable Temperance Shorts! The pattern on these was taken fro a purpose agate crystal, which is a grounding stones, bringing about an emotional and intellectual […]