Tag Archives: healing relationships

How To Be More Confident

“Self Confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it.” The one thing we all want is to feel comfortable in our own skin. Being comfortable and confident with the person you are is truly living a fulfilled life.  I don’t know if it’s possible to feel that way all the time. I mean […]

Dating Addiction

Addicted To Dating? A lot of us are caught in a self destructive dating cycle. We feel lonely or want validation so we go to our online dating sites and pick the lucky person that we “hope” will fill the void. When they can’t fill it, we are left with an even bigger void. So […]

Female Insecurity

Why do I feel like I’m never enough? Society does a really great job making women believe they are not skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, successful enough, happy enough and the list goes on and on. Instead of buying into this and keep this self diminishing cycle going, why don’t we create the possibility […]

How To Create A Breakthrough

How many of you are stuck in an unwanted pattern? Keep attracting the same type of relationship? Have the same fights with your family? Have the same dieting issues? Well, welcome to the club of being human and being stuck in your pattern. I have been working through this in my own life. Trying to […]

Why Your Love Relationships Aren’t Working

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” A lot of us are caught in a self destructive love cycle. We have failed after failed relationships. At some point we see that there is a pattern but we […]

Find Your Happy

Life is too short to be stuck doing something you hate. Waking up on a Monday wishing it was Friday is not a way to live. In this video, I talk to my friend Garth that has a unique approach to life. You can live the life you want! The winner in life is not […]

3 Ways To Live A Fulfilled Life

“To live will be an awfully big adventure!” This is true but we have to fully participate in our lives. Most of us are not active participants in our own lives. Instead, it is like we are sleeping through it, just going through the motions. If life is a gift, then we have to treat […]

5 Ways To Break Free From Ego

Mercury is in retrograde and so is my life…lol! Seriously though, this can be a wacky time. This past week, old insecurities started to come up and I found myself caught in ego. I decided to take a trip to Joshua Tree National Park with friends and hike my way back into my heart space. […]

How To Stop Needing Validation From Others

One of the hardest and most liberating lessons to learn in life is, “the only person you need validation from is you.” I spent much of my life trying to seek approval from everyone around me. I needed to know that I was “okay,” “that I was approved of”. But through the years of seeking […]

How To Deal With Breakdowns

“This is the part where you find out who you are!” In this video I talk about key things to look at when you come across a breakdown in your life. I also provide tips to help you let go of the problem and re focus on what’s important. Please leave your comments and share […]

How To Find Your Life’s Purpose

The one thing everyone wants to know is “why am I here?” I believe our true job is to find out what our life’s purpose is. The beautiful thing about this is, we already know what it is. It just might be buried deep inside us. Maybe we have been listening to outside influences too […]

My Spiritual Awakening (Positive Thinking Isn’t the Whole Truth)

A couple of years ago I immersed myself in positive thinking and self help techniques to get out of a depression. After having done this for 8 months, I had what the spiritual community likes to call an “Awakening”. I started to see the world differently. Everything was the same but different. I felt true […]