Tag Archives: relationships

Female Insecurity (Part 2)

Be yourself because you are beautiful! There is no ideal form of beauty and we should embrace who we are. Empowering women is one of my most important roles as the confused girl creator. I love to inspire and celebrate the beauty in all of us. Walk around with your head held high, I got […]

How To Recognize And Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

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Whether it be for a job, a friend, or a family member, it is our choice to walk away from an abusive relationship. In this video I share my experience of an abusive work relationship and how I relied on my instincts to know when to walk away. “The Moment That You Start To Wonder […]

2 Dating Tips That Will Save You From Disaster

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Date much? In this video I give two helpful tips on how to date successfully. Through my own experience I discovered that dating doesn’t have to be a burden. Instead, it should be an open minded experience. You may have the time of your life! “Love is a friendship set on fire.” The Confused Girl […]

How To Forgive Yourself

“It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.” -Maya Angelou We all have wounds from our past that need healing. Unfortunately, we can hurt others when our pain is running the show. When we lash out at someone else, we are actually hurting ourselves. Forgiveness is the key that […]

How To Make Good Friends

How To Make Good Friends Many psychologists and people that are about to pass away say “the most sacred thing in life is the relationships we form with others”. It’s not the career we have nor our money in the bank. It’s the love that we give and receive from the people we cherish. This […]

When A Friend Hits On Your Man

When A Friend Hits On Your Man I got an anonymous message from a girl asking for advice about her situation. Her good friend has been hitting on her boyfriend and she doesn’t know what to do. Well friendships can be tough and every  situation is different but from where I’m standing, life is too […]

The Casual Breakup

The Casual Breakup Break ups, even causal ones, have their casualties. The “take no prisoners” attitude needs to change!

When People Talk Trash

Ask Confused Girl “When People Talk Trash” “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Katie from LA wrote me a message about a Co- worker who said some pretty nasty things about her to a business associate. Like Katie, we all have had people say mean things […]

What To Do When Caught In A Love Triangle; Players Be Playin’!

What To Do When Caught In A Love Triangle; Players Be Playin’! homepage On a secret shopping gig at the mall, I unexpectedly got caught in a love triangle. Players will play and crazies be crazy! Check out our item of the week! I know you’ll love my Confused Girl Activewear line that I created. […]

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking”

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking” Episode 5 www.confusedgirlinthecity.com Claire is stalking her ex boyfriend on facebook and needs advice on how to stop! Time for our Confused Girl Activewear item of the week! I want you all to take a look at these AMAZING Joy Capri leggings I designed with all of you in mind! […]