Tag Archives: tony robbins

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking”

Ask Confused Girl “Facebook Stalking” Episode 5 www.confusedgirlinthecity.com Claire is stalking her ex boyfriend on facebook and needs advice on how to stop! Time for our Confused Girl Activewear item of the week! I want you all to take a look at these AMAZING Joy Capri leggings I designed with all of you in mind! […]

Ego & Eckhart Tolle with Confused Girl

Ego & Eckhart Tolle with Confused Girl homepage My thoughts on the Ego  in Eckhart Tolle’s book. “A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose”. There is so much more to talk about when it comes to this novel. It is really helping me get to my next step. I’m sure I will do a […]

How to Reject Peer Pressure & Embrace Paris

How to Reject Peer Pressure & Embrace Paris Last week I went to Europe for my sister’s wedding. The wedding was on the Amalfi Coast, which is so incredibly beautiful. The only annoying thing about the event was this question I was asked all night long, “Giovanna, when are you going to get married?”  Don’t […]

Anger Management and Boxing

“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”― Mark Twain Thank you Mr. Twain! I know this to be true because I can feel it. But how do I get rid of it?  That is the “million dollar” […]

Strange Emotional Attachment & Big Sister Talk

Strange Emotional Attachment & Big Sister Talk with Confused Girl I don’t really feel like writing much this week. So I will just say this, it has been two months of me doing “new things” in an attempt to figure out my life. I have bungee jumped, salsa danced, bought a wig, quit a job, […]