How To Deal With Anxiety

I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. It’s a tricky thing because you think you are doing good and the next second you are stricken with panic and stress.

The thing to remember is anxiety is a fear based emotion. It is a reaction that we developed to fear when we were hunters and gatherers. It was part of our survival. Now this emotion is less relevant and there are many ways we can tame our anxiety. In this video, I provide many different tools to help with anxiety.

Please leave your comments and share your stories! I want to know what you think 🙂

If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected]

69 thoughts on “How To Deal With Anxiety

  1. lovelife02 says:

    What could help and has helped for me is investing in some precious stones
    and crystals and wearing them in like a bracelet form, also put your feet
    into the ocean will help ground you, but what helped the most for me is
    when you start to feel your emotions rising and the anxiety starting to
    come on, stop right away, close your eyes if you can and put both hands
    over your heart and the key is take deep slow breaths, imagine white light
    coming out of the center of your hands and into your heart, it will lower
    your heart rate and blood pressure and instantly calm you down, then just
    try and feel the moment and connect with yourself and be in the now,
    instant grounding wherever your at that you can do and it has helped me a
    great deal, there is an energy that comes out of your hands that helps your
    heart energy, also due to you being a sensitive I would suggest getting
    energy work done to help align your chakra’s.

  2. FranTheMan78 says:

    I was diagnosed with chronic anxiety disorder in my late teens. Lately I
    realized that most of the things we worry about are in the past or the
    future, which doesn’t really exist. I try to just focus on the moment and
    be aware of the “now”, it’s really helped.

  3. John Schleich says:

    Anxiety has always been a big point for me too. Definitely better to avoid
    the pills if possible. I feel much better with the oriental herbal medicine
    and meditation. Of course I always loved hiking, not just for health.
    Another remedy you should try is bird watching 🙂

  4. latent1234 says:

    Great reminders! I struggle(d) with anxiety and all the things you have
    mentioned I have tried and tested and have found to work. For me the key is
    also to be more consistent. So in that sense we could be family! (not such
    a good thing in this case :P)

    I wanted to especially thank you for explaining the benefit of meditation
    in words, i.e. referring to the space in between when reacting… Now I
    actually know how to describe the usefulness of meditation to my friends!!!
    Before, I could only say it helped me to make better decisions… but you
    helped me to explain how I can say why that is! 😀 Thank you so much!!
    (literally wish I could step through the screen and give you a thank you
    kiss :))

    Finally, a misconception I had for myself is that sugar gives you anxiety.
    But then later I read that sugar actually does not cause anxiety, but
    strengthens the imbalance in your body when having anxiety. I recognized
    this to be true when paying close attention to my anxiety when having it
    and then eating some sugary food (I know bad idea!!! :D)

    Aah, I forgot to mention. Binaural Beats can also help with anxiety.

  5. Regal Ace says:

    Hmm, I shall have to try this meditation you speak of. Sometimes I like to
    sit and watch the fish swim around in my aquarium and the sound of the

  6. Johnny Five says:

    If you think of nothing, you are nothing. We as people are a compilation of
    our thoughts, good or bad. If you can be comfortable and content within
    your thoughts which deepen your soul and essence, I say do it. The face of
    a person often reflects what type of thoughts consume them, pleasant or

  7. Mark Flavin says:

    What a fantastic video thanks for sharing it really brightened my morning.
    Anxiety and its older sibling Depression are two things that I constantly
    have to work at in order to not be overwhelmed.

    The one thing I didn’t hear you mention that I find quite powerful is
    contemplating your anxiety. For example during a long walk or meditation I
    will let my head fill with the anxious thoughts from the day and address
    them each directly.

    Like, say that I am focusing on my weight or a new responsibility at work.
    Rather than just giving into negative thoughts I will ask questions of
    myself in order to narrow my mental focus on why I am worried. Most times I
    find that the fear of failure is at root of my anxiety so once I determine
    what it is that I am afraid of failing at I can define goals and even
    project potential outcomes.

    It’s like you said our brains are very complex tools that were refined over
    millennia to deal with immediate threats. Unfortunately our modern world
    has threats and traps that our brain is not prepared to deal with only
    hopeless yell at its operator that there be danger on horizon.

    Finally I absolutely agree with the medication observation with one small
    tweak. Most of the people I know and myself included fail to appreciate
    that food and drink are in themselves drugs. I have noticed that many times
    my anxiety or depression is directly related to my diet basically if I am
    eating crap ( calorie rich and processed ) foods then on the whole I feel
    like crap ( constantly reacting at problems).

  8. siddhartha khanna says:

    Hey Confused Girl, (Is it Giovanni?)

    Firstly thank you for reaching out to me and validating me. (Creation

    By the way is this were I reply?

    So what do I think of your video?

    I think you are a beautiful being; an inspiration and the fact that you
    illuminate this world with your colour is what Earth needs. Thank you.

    You are raising awareness and helping mankind. One is as valuable as one’s
    ability to help. You are important, extremely valuable to society, to
    your friends to others.

    Everything you said about anxiety is very true; it is fear based, and your
    solutions for removing such are very effective. The first thing we have is
    our body, look after it. Feed it the right food, be a friend to it. And
    yes the meditation helps with bringing a calm connection between the mind
    and the spirit.

    I would like to share one of my own viewpoints on having ups and downs in
    life (anxiety), that is one day up and one day down, ie a roller coaster,
    which we are made to believe is life, but far from the truth.

    You are a very high energy person and such would attract low energy people
    who feed off your energy.

    So I ask you: Do you have anyone who makes you doubt yourself, makes you
    unsure about your goals, is unhappy when you are happy and is then a good
    “friend” when you are unhappy.

    Is there anyone who invalidates, nullifies (makes less) of your work, your
    beliefs, thoughts? There is a reason to why we are up and down in life and
    it is not a chemical imbalance, there is a simple way to find out where it
    stems from.

    Would you like to know how?

    PS: I love salsa, and would like to share this as what I listen to for

    Wish you well in sunny LA.

    Thank you

    “Whatever you decide about life, life is deciding about you”.

  9. Orion Xavier says:

    Lol imagine having social anxiety. That’s like the same thing as if most
    food you ate was extremely poisonous. It won’t kill you.. but it will wish
    you were dead.

    3:01 You really shouldn’t say that. Lol. Or maybe it’s just my unbelievably
    bad luck, but I always attract bad things that could occur, when I speak
    them aloud to other people..

    3:35 Indulging in hobbies is a good one. There’s nothing better for me to
    feel in control and enjoying life, than playing video games. 😛

    4:11 I couldn’t agree more, but it depends on how you appreciate nature.
    Out here in the Midwest, nature is bland, and during warmer months it’s
    full of biting insects. But living in California you have access to REDWOOD
    state parks which are AMAZING. Nothing beats redwood/sequoias! Plus there
    are some great hills in San Francisco to climb. I miss California.. :/ But
    not the people lol.

  10. johnthejeweler says:

    Some people do need medication, Ativan is not much more than aspirin (; I
    agree that other possible cures should be examined first. have a great day,
    sorry about all the comments, this subject is near and dear 2 my heart.
    Thanks again.

  11. Jonas Vercammen says:

    You were right. But your way of creating views/comments scared me. I
    normally never go t their profile:)

  12. Tobias Douglas says:

    I like your honesty! both in name and in words! (not that you seem confused
    or lost). that’s a good idea about music too. You seem very loving and well
    balanced, good luck with your life coaching.

  13. dereman427 says:

    thanx for the video- you got some key messages in your advice, which can be
    applied to much more than just anxiety.. working on one’s inner self can’t
    be expressed enuff, like u cleverly said- that is the root of the majority
    of everyone’s problems and thru meditation, the tangled web of the ego
    starts to unwind which makes one see clearer into reality and eventually
    contact & wake up the ‘inner spirit’ or ‘higher self’..
    Good luck with your life coaching, I’m sure you’ll be of great help to

  14. Tall Things Grow Deep says:

    I think the service you provide through your videos is immensely helpful to
    many people! You are relatable and encourage users to step outside of the
    box 🙂
    Much appreciation!

  15. romeo lachapelle says:

    Thanks for the private message 🙂 Nice way to wake up in the morning
    looking at a @ from Lalaland 🙂 My girlfriend ask me how many city woman
    did I confused in North-America beside the L A woman llol…Been part of a
    minority could create social anxiety for some and for me also at
    time…Been French and been born in Quebec from catholic parents but
    leaving now in beautiful British Colombia create social anxiety
    sometime…So when I don’t want to be socially anxious I switch to human
    mode sometime…Stop been this or that and be human for a change…I read
    or saw somewhere about monk not wanting to know anything about anything for
    fear of not been able to meditated…For the extremist monk not even your
    name they want to know because a name could bring a iceberg of information
    while meditating…The cliche a picture is worth a thousands word…Well
    for the meditater it could be worth a thousand pictures also…Been atheist
    help me to meditate faster…I like the fact more and more mother nature
    become my religion and the planet my open-church llol I talk to much my
    girlfriend claim llol

  16. phillip galloway says:

    Nice video thanks for sharing. Im curious what you thought of mine. You
    made the first comment and it had nothing to do with my video..

  17. Leon Kovalyov says:

    Love your anxiety video, it was right on. Truly appreciate your message!
    Thank you for sharing your kind loving vibrations. Have a beautiful week!

  18. goblinondrums says:

    Lol I’m still confused as to how you watched a Dream Theater cover of mine
    and some how got me here… What program did you use? Unless you actually
    genuinely like Dream Theater and somehow came across my drum cover… Good
    stuff though self empowerment is the way to success. We still need Jesup
    though 🙂

  19. Cheryl Graham says:

    Hello you messaged me about my Maslow rap. I loved your piece about anxiety
    very accurate and useful! Well done 🙂

  20. Thalia Altura says:

    Great video and it’s weird because I’m sort of dealing with it myself and
    as a vocalist anxiety is fatal. It came to a point this year that all the
    years of study went down the drain in the middle of my performance.
    Needless to say I felt awful. It takes one bad review and the next thing I
    know my contract is cancelled. Anyways you’re right it’s a constant
    struggle and it’s shutting up that voice inside your head and believing
    you’re awesome. And I am. Thank you.

  21. Maria Carina Hayley says:

    Thanks for popping up on my channel with this link, Your video has given me
    some great advice <3

  22. Light Love Magic says:

    I love it! I totally agree. I practice just about everything you talked
    about on a daily basis and have over the past couple of years. I can’t
    believe how my life has changed. Looking back, it was like a living
    purgatory – somedays hellish. By committing to these practices my life now
    mostly feels closer to heaven on Earth (even when things aren’t going the
    way I think they should). Love the video!

  23. Rachel Woodruff says:

    there are two sides of anxiety. the first we all know,fear. the second is
    rarely considered, it is the type of heightened energy that is crucial to
    being human, anxiety drives us to new awareness, it allows us to think
    outside the box and stimulates our creativity. It’s the productive side of
    anxiety. all one has to do is allow anxiety to work FOR them, and not allow
    it to go into fear.

  24. Darf Phoenix says:

    Great video, ConfusedGirlLA. You provided a lot useful information and gave
    a great advise on staying away from pharmaceutical drugs (which never heal
    nor cure the problem). You do a great job at expressing yourself and
    communicating with your audience.

  25. Cloudskipper Dreaming says:

    Great video, thanks for the link 🙂 I find going into nature, even if it
    is just in my garden, is very powerful.

  26. Sir Farquat says:

    I like the positive attitude and much of what you said but things become
    much more difficult when we lose the comfort of consistency in our lives.
    What happens when you lose your job and your lavish lifestyle when the US
    Dollar collapses and the our entire country meets financial ruin?
    Meditation at the level the engage in right now is good under consistent
    conditions but you’ll need to come from a place much deeper then where you
    visit now as the power of your human mind is extremely limited ..even under
    the best conditions.
    That being said, there’s a place inside yourself where your true power lies
    but reaching that place is more difficult to find.
    I’m speaking about connecting with the witness behind your eyes, ..the true
    soul essence of yourself. Connecting with that aspect of
    yourself offers guidance in the worst of all conditions. That aspect of
    yourself is there waiting for you and wants you to become more deeply
    integrated with your body.
    You’ll need to connect with the true aspect of yourself if you wish to
    transcend the limitations of the human mind. Expand your dedication by
    taking the next step and study to connect with your higher
    self. That’s where our true power lies and once we reach that place,
    ..there are no more human boundaries or limitations.

  27. joe custom says:

    I enjoyed your video, I noticed you talked about the root of problem, your
    on to something there, I have been searching through my mind looking for
    repressed memories and even emotions and trying to fix them change them
    analyze them, there’s a lot inside us that is affecting us without our
    knowledge, that essentially in my opinion could portray itself as anxiety,
    just my opinion though. Great video, keep inspiring!

  28. Aron Svarowsky says:

    the truth is the key to control your mind;
    the truth makes you free.
    Find the truth of your life and you will be free!

  29. Paula Taylor says:

    Great Video and some very helpful tips! I agree with so much of what you
    say and admire your courage in sharing what you have struggled through. I
    have also struggled with anxiety and love your descriptions of it. I wanted
    to share my thoughts and perhaps give you a few new things to muse over. I
    believe anxiety does have a cause, even if it appears not to. The slight
    misconception I picked up on you saying is that thoughts cause feelings
    which in turn affect behaviour. I believe it is the other way around.
    Feelings/emotions create thoughts. Our thoughts develop after our feelings.
    As infants throughout our formative years we are dominated by a felt sense
    of our experience of emotions and feelings. It is instinctual and run on
    our need to survive and get our fundamental needs met. Our brains have not
    developed cognitions yet and are not developed in this area. You are right,
    anxiety is fear based. I will go one further and say it is centred around
    our stability and safety in the world. We are unable to manage our fear and
    create thoughts and behaviours to combat this and make us feel safe. Think
    about it, we ruminate, or have thoughts going round and round…why?
    Because we are afraid.We are afraid of forgetting, of what we did, of what
    we said, of how it was received, of what may happen etc etc. The underlying
    trigger is fear. When we feel resistance, it is born out of fear. When we
    lose our appetite,it is born out of fear. Anxiety is clinically
    characterized as ‘excessive worry’. It’s origins lie in your emotions.
    Control over thoughts is helpful but will always be a bandaid like you have
    experienced, forget your strategies and you start to go back down. Tackle
    your feelings before your behaviour (and thoughts) and you will release the
    power. This is not easy, all your strategies are amazing and completely in
    line with what you do. The one that needs to be clearer is self soothing.
    You need to actively nurture yourself. Figure out how you tick, what you do
    and what you need. You are 100% right, it starts within XXX Check out Dr
    Jonice Webb on YouTube, she has written on Childhood Emotional Neglect as
    an unknown force many people live with. I speak about this in my parenting
    approach too (which you commented on, thank you):

  30. BeingKier says:

    haha +ConfusedGirlLA that was funny with the chair scene , anxiety is like
    that with me , and yes top tips that wrk for me are meditation and nature !
    they REALLY work. In the past marijuana work the best but I stopped
    cause it felt like a crutch. Awesome video !

  31. Jamela Cambell says:

    I don’t know where you came from, but I am so glad that you sent this video
    to me.
    At first I was a bit. … well? I felt insulted, and mocked, as if I did
    something wrong. I did my checklist of videos, and was like, okay none of
    them have me in them yet, so…
    My final thought after watching more than 5 seconds was, you just wanted to
    share a very POWERFUL tool to help individuals deal with their own personal
    struggles, and I thank you for that. Thank you for helping me understand.
    …. me.
    I will check out a few more in my time. For now? I am using YouTube as my
    kind of..
    Diary/ vblog/ reality TV through my eyes, kind of deal. These videos are
    for my memories, to look back and reflect. Haven’t found what my “thing” is
    yet, so I am just playing around with my crazy moments in my life.
    Anyway… thanks for your time. Hugs. Keep doing your “thing” it is
    amazingly helpful. 🙂

  32. mlvlatina says:

    Nature and yoga help me cope with my anxiety. Thank you for sharing tips on
    how to deal with this stressful topic. xxoo

  33. Ms.Hugh Brown says:

    great advice 🙂 i guess i gotta stop saying ” this thing is driving me
    crazy” lol…and yes, i really stopped exercising for weeks now, maybe
    that’s one reason why i feel something is wrong with me;)
    thanks this is a yyyeeeyyy baby!


    I like how you warned the listeners to try and avoid prescription from a
    doctor that was one of the most important facts you stated. Because they
    will only prescribe you something that will give you physical problems so
    that they can keep having you come back for different prescriptions to
    suppress but never cure each problem. Music meditation exercise and a
    balanced diet like you said are all good sources for anxiety.

  35. Laura Cassidy says:

    Silly YouTube won’t let me publish your comment right away, so I’ll take a
    look at it.
    Thank you so much for watching my video, you have no idea how much I
    appreciate that! You’re awesome, funny, and I love this video and what you
    have to say….we seem to have a lot in common! 🙂 xoxo ten out of ten on
    this, girly!

  36. Linda Dunlap says:

    Great video. For me I have a rush of emotions and physical pain with the
    hormone/chemicals before, during and right after my cycle all at different
    level pretty much every month. The topic that nobody seems to want to think
    about because it is hard to resolve how to cope with that cycle and in
    society we are not very open and/or positive about our cleansing cycle. I
    know for myself it’s taken YEARS to appreciate instead of dread my bodies
    cleansing ability.

  37. Lisa Stock says:

    Hi! Nice video 😛 Keep it up, you’re fun to watch/listen to! I’m
    subscribing for sure 🙂 Have a great week!

  38. kamilla redamar says:

    hi , well the anxiety can only become alive when u think at it as something
    ,,,,real. anxiety as buddhist monks say is just a side of the conscious or
    unconscious to start with the negative emotions exists only on
    human level ( 3D) . on the higher levels fear don’t exist. as humans the
    anxiety is daily cultivated inside us by the society . the fact is that we
    allow the society to do that ( tv,media…etc).the more u go outside
    yourself the more anxious you become .the more you go inside ..more peace
    and beauty u discover …and that is my own experience.u talk about
    meditation and music and sport ,nature…that is perfect ! but ….how long
    in all those things u do REST PRESENT? the secred is only this one
    ….everything u do in your life u must do it consciously…if not u r a
    robot . even if u work …do it consious way . love and light for u all

  39. TheBlackPearl ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ says:

    You’re doing a great job, you explain anxiety in a understanding way. Keep
    up the good work ! 😀

  40. WatchHirokoOnYoutube says:

    We got a similar sense of humor :] thanks for the comment, let’s stay in
    touch on both of our channels!!

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