Tag Archives: influencer

Fall Fabulous In Banff, Canada

Allowing yourself to pause and take in the beauty is it’s own mastery. It’s one of the best skills I’ve learned and now I can’t help but see beauty everywhere! This is a good skill to have in Alberta, Canada because if you aren’t taking in all the natural beauty, you are doing something wrong. […]

3 Tips To Stay Fit & Positive While Traveling For Business

As stressful as it can be, I love traveling for business. Traveling with a purpose is always a good combination for me. I envy the people who can lie on a beach for a week and simply relax. Unfortunately, I wasn’t built that way. Recently, I took a business trip to one of my favorite […]

How I Overcame My #InstaFear And Created A Successful International Business

By Giovanna Silvestre I grew up when cell phones were only in select cars and as big as your head. If you’re in my age group, you also might feel that posting selfies on Instagram isn’t your second nature. Your thumb hovers over the posting button and #InstaFear sets in. The little voice in your […]