Don’t let rejection stop you from the life you’ve always wanted!
It is really easy to let the fear of rejection stop us from attempting to do the things we have always wanted. What if I fail? What if I look stupid? What if, what if, what if….
Everyone in life gets a door slammed in their face. Actually, I believe the most successful people are the ones who let multiple doors slam in their face and kept trying. Eventually a few doors opened and there you have it!
I really do believe we need to change the way we look at rejection. We should not take it so personally. Instead we should use it as feedback and a growing experience. We should ask ourselves, “what is this trying to teach me?”, “how can I grow from this experience?”.
We really do end up where we are suppose to be; so let the rest go!
Please leave your comments. Really want to hear what you think!
If you are interested in a Life Coaching session, please email me for more information: [email protected]
Don’t let rejection stop you from the life you’ve always wanted!
I really need a good coach. Check out my Google profile and my you tube videos.
You guys are amazing, thank you. Heart hugs
Right on!!, so many rejections can be opening the way for other
non-rejection moments.
HAHA I love it! Check out the video we made together on my channel at
Jason, love the tshirt and keep pushing forward.
I would love to have a life coach but I’m afraid of honesty lol
Embrace it, something bigger and better is meant to come along.
Lol 8 months unemployed. So I know all about rejection. Sometimes there’s
nothing to be learned, though.
I saw an interview with Nathan Fillion (actor in Firefly, Serenity,
Castle). He talked about how much rejection he gets as an actor. And that
90% of acting is just trying to get a job. Lol.. totally relate.
Rejection is one thing, but rejection from a fool is cruel..
WOW, Jason brooo, you came over and found her coming back from GYMMM???!!!!
OMFG !!! Dudeeee that’s HOTTT !!!! Gym wear on women is so SOOO sexy 😀 You
should of made a video just like that sweety 🙁 No need for shower or make
up or hair haha 😛 I am a sicko 🙁 ;P So adorable 🙂 How the fuck DOES THIS
video just get 134 views??!!! DAAAAAFUQQQQQQ is wrong with
peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😀 !
Looking back at all the crappy jobs, and people that rejected me, I have
only one thing to say, THANK YOU!
you 2 are adorable! <3