During the month of July, expect many pay offers for the hard work you have been putting in, Capricorn. Whether it be monetary, work-related or simply personal, be ready. You are a very determined sign and have a mass of prominent qualities that are sure to shine. Enjoy the recognition soon to come this month, Capricorn.


 Patience should be your key focus this month, Aquarius. You have been in the zone with a certain project or job and have been tuning out any surrounding noise. Things may not have seemed to play out as quickly as you would like  right now. Take a deep breath and remember patience is key, then everything will click into place!
An aura of energy and confidence surrounds you during the first weeks of July. You are usually caring for others
and rarely take much time out for yourself. So, to feel in such a good mood as you have been, is much needed
at this time.
As dominate as you are, Taurus, it is time to play the chill role. This can sometimes be hard for you because of the
know-it- all syndrome that you have. You rarely listen to outside voices and are very “bull headed”. This month you should try to be a bit more at ease and relaxed.
You may be feeling a bit unsettled during the first week of July. New month’s usually seem to bring that being that there are financial responsibilities and the unknown of something new altogether. Within the following week you will start to feel settled and less overwhelmed. During that time you’ll want to take things slow and steady to avoid recurrence of the week before.
You are in a love filled mood this week, so trust this process because big shifts are to come in your emotional life. The planet of love, Venus is sure to make a presence in your life. Whether you are single or in a relationship, romance is sure to flare between now and the end of the month. Be sure to enjoy these festivities and possible ventures.
The question for you this month is to spend or to save? You are a very spontaneous person and always seeking a good time. Does this sometimes cause you to have a habit of spending a tad too much? Or do you work to budget and balance your finances? As you maneuver through this month keep this question in your mind and
watch the outcome that unfolds.
After the excitement of celebrating your birthday for the beginning of the Cancer clan, it’s time for a little chill. You are a person that is always on the move and never really takes the time out to enjoy your surroundings. During the month of July, you should focus on this highly. Taking trips, pampering yourself, and sleeping longer hours will be
very beneficial for you this month.
Happy birthday, Cancer. Many excited things are to come during your birth month. You are a determined sign who strives for success and that will be highlighted at the beginning of this month especially. Expect rewards in abundance, however they will only equal the amount of work you put in. The saying “you get what you give” should stay at the top of your mind as you manifest through the month of July. Being that it is true you know, Cancer.
For the month of July you should focus highly on balance. That being in both personal and financial aspects. It is sometimes easy for you get overwhelmed being that you are extremely ambitious and always seeking the better in everything. You are very competitive and you play to win, always. Now, your mind may be working in overload causing your inner lion the want to “roar” out. This month take time out to simply notice that your determination balances well with where you are and what you have currently.
July calls for you to expand, Scorpio. Is there something new you’ve been wanting to learn or do? If so you should definitely make time to do so now. Life gets busy and we sometimes push things aside until they are no longer in our review. Do not do that this month, Scorpion. This is as much a better time than any.
As a natural born giver you will always abide to the needs of anyone you care about. While this is a good thing, Libra, it can sometimes backfire towards your genuine intentions. During the month of July, you should try to put yourself in the shoes of the receiver this time. Pay more attention to your wants and needs. Take a trip, explore new sites, or simply find peace of mind.