How to Kick the Smoking Habit – And Leave it Behind for Good

For decades, smoking has been a public health crisis, with overall mortality among smokers in the United States being three times higher than that of never-smokers. On average, a smoker’s life expectancy is ten years shorter than a non-smoker’s. There has been no shortage of warnings from various health stakeholders on the paramount importance of quitting smoking or vaping – but while 30% to 50% of American smokers make a quit attempt in any given year, only 7.5% are successful. Kicking a smoking habit for your health is, quite literally, a race against time. A study of over 550,000 former smokers found that those who quit before the age of 35 may have seen a 21% higher rate of death from any cause, but were still in a better place than those who quit between ages 35 and 44, who showed a 47% higher all-cause mortality rate. If you want to drop your smoking or vaping habit for good, here are a few ways to do just that.

Nicotine replacement therapy

Withdrawal symptoms such as sleeplessness, irritability, and even depressive episodes have been well-documented as a primary reason for smoking relapse. Thus, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is used to supply nicotine to the body without the harmful chemicals contained in cigarette smoke or tobacco. For discreet use, smokeless alternatives like nicotine pouches have become a popular cessation tool. This site features ZYN pouches in a variety of flavors, from popular mint-based variants to more unconventional coffee and cinnamon options. Compared to other brands, ZYN carefully extracts and purifies nicotine with high-tech distillation procedures, ensuring a high-quality product. And since it’s 100% tobacco-free, prospective quitters can also do away with the odor and discoloration associated with the tar in cigarettes – a positive first step towards a smoke-free lifestyle.

Smokeless options may help get rid of tobacco-stained fingers. However, for those who are still overcoming a smoking-related hand or mouth fixation, the Dekang DKiss Smokeless Nicotine Inhaler is a useful tool. One article discusses how it mimics the look and feel of a traditional vape but without the smoke, using non-contact heating technology for a safer, reduced-risk nicotine consumption experience. Combined with the above NRT methods, there are alternative ways to keep yourself – and your hands – busy, helping you manage cravings and avoid relapse.

Re-engagement in enriching hobbies

The idea of connecting with your favorite hobbies to quit smoking might initially seem simplistic, but it’s evidence-based. Researchers have dubbed sitting as “the new smoking,” given the associations between a sedentary lifestyle and elevated all-cause mortality. In a survey of 263 smokers with mobility issues, participants were asked to list the life activities they personally found most valuable, with some citing sports, exercise, visiting family, attending concerts, and cooking. The research found that a more significant number and frequency of these valued activities were associated with less smoking and a higher self-efficacy to quit. Engaging in meaningful activities redirects your brain’s dopamine sources, lowering the need for securing that hormone high through smoking.

In our previous post, we talked about how stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. It may also trigger nicotine cravings, which is why identifying sources of stress can keep you on track to quitting for good. Think about the times you used to find yourself reaching for a smoke – whether it’s after a meal or during social gatherings – and get ahead of those moments by planning alternative activities. The journey to quitting smoking is certainly not linear, with some relapsing before they find their groove. The important thing is to stay the course, remembering that a future, healthier version of yourself will thank you for it.